THLM: PowHERbroker Mastermind Group

THLM: PowHERbroker Mastermind Group


THLM: PowHERbroker Mastermind Group 

Members take turns being in the hot seat every month and are provided with a high level of advice from successful powHERbrokers. Our group consists of professional business women who provide members with tips to elevate everyone to The Higher Level using proven methods.

This is private group coaching from high level professionals. The sessions consist of one person in the hot seat, the mentor/coach does intense coaching with that person, and all the other members provide valuable input when the mentor is done. In our PowHERbroker sessions, everyone gets involved in the conversation. The 10-minute hot seat is the apex of membership.

Individuals are provided with an opportunity to present her concerns for 10 minutes, receive 20 minutes of feedback from her coach, 20 minutes for feedback from the group of members, and 10 minutes to discuss her experience and thoughts. This is an opportunity to learn how to shift one’s paradigm for greater ascension in her field of expertise. Members walk away with many more ideas and solutions as a result of the shift.

The application fee does not guarantee access to this powerful life altering group. All application fees are non-refundable.

The PowHERbroker Mastermind Group