The Higher Level Method: What Would I Tell My Younger Self? Vol. I. - SOLD OUT - STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES

The Higher Level Method: What Would I Tell My Younger Self? Vol. I. - SOLD OUT - STAY TUNED FOR UPDATES


If you knew then, what you know now, would you have navigated your life in a different direction? “Hmmm…What Would I Tell My Younger Self?” Vol. I provides an opportunity for readers to glean priceless information from the life lessons of 15 dynamic professional women.

You will be so amazed by their experiences and what it took for them to arrive at The Higher Level. Their stories are soul stirring, educational, humorous, healing, yet informative.

While there is ALWAYS a Higher Level, there is never a pinnacle.

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THLM: What Would I Tell My Younger Self? Vol. I